Saturday, March 19, 2016

More Respect for Mother Hubbard  2016-W11

Children are precious, and to budding artists each new work is fairly literally their baby. And you could never give away or sell one of your babies, right?! Look — but don't touch.

As time goes on and your inventory mounts, it becomes easier to send artworks off to live the larger world. And sadly, now some of them are... forgotten. Surprising when you run across them again. "Oh yes, I remember you" and such is the case with today's painting. Which I guess will be Olive IV. This temporarily forgotten painting just had its first birthday a couple weeks back. Poor thing.

I'm writing I wrote this first part a few days ago on Saturday, fresh from the big Trump rally brouhaha in our fair city, and just ahead of our primary vote. I'll pick up the thread on Wednesday after the results are known and the pundits have re-predicted what comes next. But before I wrap part 1, I will say to the many protesters who also were freely expressing their own First Amendment rights Friday night, and except for the violent bits: good on ya, lads. And ya lady lads.

[Montage where four pages tear off the daily calendar...]  Or maybe 7 pages...

So it turns out I abandoned the thread until today, Saturday, whereas our Illinois primary went off without much of a hitch and not too many surprises. Other than we had some wicked winds that delayed some suburban workers from getting home in time to vote. That force majeure is a real bitch.

As MegaTuesday and its nuances have now percolated through the system, things appear to have sorted themselves. But I wouldn't say they have settled themselves. I expect much drama in the weeks and months ahead — even though I think that as far as November is concerned, the die is cast.

Sadly, we still have nearly 337,000 minutes of air time for talking heads and campaign ads to fill. Egad. Fortunately for me, I can just turn off the TV and paint. I hope you enjoy Olive IV, and ya'll come back!

Olive IV

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