Saturday, March 8, 2014

Like the Fastest Jet 2014-W10

Tempus fugit.  Time flies.

Boy, does it ever!  My baby brother turns 50 and has qualified for AARP.  I have vivid memories of the final months of my mother's pregnancy — probably down to the Kennedy assassination — and I recall my other brother and I got shuttled off to the Malloys during the "confinement".  I'm not sure we ever saw the Malloys after that.

Back then we used funny words like "confinement" instead of "delivery" and diapers were made of cloth.  Take that, Maytag.  My mother thought it would be a good idea if I learned how to change a baby so although I was a first grader and diaper pins were as big as my hand, change that baby I did.  Usually without jabbing.  There would be plenty of time later to scar the boy, as brothers are wont to do.  We fought a lot, about whatever was handy.

After as much of our current tussle as she could bear, our mother would often play the Circle of Love card.  I love you little brother, and you are fond of me.  Let us be kind to one another, as brothers ought to be.  Forced to recite this while hand in hand, I'm surprised none of us has permanent knuckle damage from the vicious vice-grip handholds underneath the muttered poem.  Good times.  I don't think we fought any more than your average three boy household.  And of course, I could pick on my little brother but you hadn't better try.

My brothers and I, we're orphans now and undeniably mature men.  Possibly by some measures we are senior citizens, if only just.  But like many, we now know that children keep you young even if paradoxically they are the sure cause of many wrinkles and much grey hair.  Still, at least some of the wrinkles formed from eyes crinkled with the laughter they have brung.

My nephews are still young and a joy to me.  I have so many stories to tell them about our familial collective experiences growing up and introduce them to ancestors and assorted crazy relatives who have gone before.  Much more than that (and despite that regrettably my brothers and I are now cast as tribal elders) I look forward to the new memories I'll forge with our youngest generation.  Fingers crossed, I have lots of time for it all!

If you are a young person reading this, I can only say:  enjoy it while it lasts.  Which isn't half as long as you think.

Meanwhile, I ended up today with a painting I think will go into the Women of a Certain Age series.  She is famous and you know her but you have to guess.  As a clue, I put one of her recipes below the picture.  Enjoy one, the other, or both!

Paula Chickengöbbler

Healthy Fruit Salad:  Empty 1# bag of Skittles in large bowl.  Pour large bottle of Ranch Dressing over, and stir.  Serves 2.

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