Saturday, August 23, 2014

UFOs Everywhere 2014-W34

Relax, I have not gone Glenn-Beck crazy with flying saucers that are invading us because of Obamacare (better buy more gold).  I mean UnFinished Objects.  If your house is anything like my house, the place is crawling with UFOs.  I'm a fantastic starter, but when the novelty of the latest effort wears off so too does progress grind evermore to a halt.  Like yourselves, I never mean to do half a project, but let me ask you what the road to Hell is paved with...

Good intentions, that's what, in case your mother wasn't fond of that expression.  In my time I feel I well intendedly have paved a few miles on that road.  I wonder if there is a sign that says so, like the ones that tell you the local Jaycees pick up the trash along this stretch of highway 181.  (And thanks, by the way.)

One of my resolutions this year was to try seeing some of my many UFOs through to completion.  And I have done some, fewer than I would wish but more than none.  And I still have a third of the year left to build on my success to date.  Which brings us to this week's painting.

Back in June some of my art friends came by to paint en plein air back in my garden and I began painting on a horrible paper called Yupo, which for starters isn't even paper.  It's the same stuff you recycle as plastic (5).  After three minutes, I said "hell no" and ran in to grab the real deal.  But that piece of Yupo has been mocking me ever since with it's masking tape and three lousy flowerheads and nothing else.

Well, in the war between humans and plastic paper, I decided humans must win so I pulled it out to paint.  Oh it vexed me.  I'd say one panel is okay, one is not horrible, and one is horrible.  But here's the thing:  all three panels are done.  Put that in your pipe and smoke it, René Magritte.  Here is completed UFO, 8-23 edition, and I hope one day my heirs will have the good sense to throw this one into the recycling bin.

Jardin, Oui, Belle, Ma Non

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