Saturday, October 18, 2014

Who's that {woman}? 2014-W42

So I took last week off and it was fun and the world kept turning so no harm no foul.  Before I continue with the blog proper, we see from the title that this ends week 42 and the year has 52 weeks which means...  that's correct, there are only 10 weeks left in 2014. Let's all be anxious together about that fun fact!

Moving on to today's subject, she is the World's Oldest C---.  She's not the world's biggest c--- or the most stupid c---.  But she has been at it since I was a lad.  Not exactly on center stage any more, but I recently heard the latest bit of nonsense from this C---.  Who by the way is Phyllis Schlafly.  My contemporaries remember her as a leading campaigner against the Equal Rights Amendment during the 1970's.  I hadn't thought about her much until she was blowing some new malarkey out of her pie hole.

In her latest crackpot theory, this old C--- claims that President Obama is deliberately letting the Ebola virus sweep into America to make it more like Africa.  I don't even know what that means.  I would first tell that C--- that her boys Georgie and Dick didn't exactly keep their hands on the wheel during a certain September, and oh by the way the body count so far is Ebola: 1, 9-11 Terrorists: 2,977.  In fairness to the withered C---, I would agree that attack did not make America more like the Middle East.

I think I may paint portraits of another c--- or two.  Fox News has a whole barnfull to choose from and I fear that one or two may soon join the US Congress.  Such is life.  Can't get through it without running into the occasional c---.  By the way, C--- is short for crazy bitch.  You knew that, right?

Crazy Bitch: Phyllis Schlafly

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