Monday, February 15, 2016

Blah Humbug  2016-W07

Hi all. A bit of a ramble today, but at least it's a short form!

Don't quote me, but I seem to recall a weathercaster pointed out that the rate of increase in day length accelerates around mid-February. I know I've been waking up earlier, and these days night doesn't fall until sometime around 5:30 (even though my living room lights still come on at 4:30). We got tame little snowfall beginning yesterday afternoon, which should melt off in a day or two as our temperatures climb.

I'd say Spring is trying to spring forth.

Which is backed up by recent groundhog observations. Normally I feel like if I make it to Valentines Day, then I've won another round of David vs Winter. Consequently I should be a little more chipper lately but I can't seem to muster enthusiasm. I'm having a case of the blahs.

Only this weekend did I finally get back to my painting work-in-progress, and I didn't accomplish much. I can lay 20% of the blame on the terrible paper... it doesn't behave well when it gets very wet, which is fairly unavoidable when laying down a wash. Paint a little, wait a lot.

But mostly I think I feel paralyzed by a myriad of things competing for my attention.

Last week I unconsciously opted to ignore them all rather than pick something and move it forward. Not that I didn't have good intentions. Never short of those, and now that I think of it, I did accomplish some goals on the health and wellness frontier. I've gotten back to my workout regimen after nearly 9 months and definitely feel the benefits already. But on the whole, I squandered a lot of February so far.

So, once again, I begin a week with good intentions: trying to clear chores off my to-do list and working more earnestly on my job search. My hope is that the outcome will be like quitting smoking. Difficult, but every time you make a try, your odds for success increase. Wish me luck!

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