Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Dog's Life 2013-W15

Who wouldn't want to reincarnate as a family dog?  Think about it... your job is taking the day off!  Sure, an odd bark here or there just to demonstrate that you're not always asleep, but otherwise lounging, napping, eating and walkies constitute 23+ hours of your day.  Pretty sweet deal.  I also think that compared to most of the animals & people on the planet, dogs do the best job of enjoying their enjoyment.  They really embody what it means to have a good time.

To balance the scales, after painting my series of Cats in Hats & Wigs I intended a companion series of dogs — not in Hats & Wigs.  My first thought was Dogs with Pipes & Ties, which was not a fruitful field.  (I eventually painted one dog with a pipe, and now that's done.)  Finally, I stumbled upon the perfect theme for the dog series and off we go with two or three paintings.  I hope you will enjoy them on a par with the enjoyment expressed by their subjects.  Whee...!

Driving Doggy I

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