Saturday, November 24, 2012

Closure, at Last 2012-W47

For my pants, that is.  After a bountiful feast on Thanksgiving Day, I can finally zip my jeans without sucking in my abdomen.  Even so, I shouldn't like to sit around in them for very long.  Regardless, I will have to make do with these pants...  you see, this weekend I wouldn't venture out to shop unless the life of a family member literally depended on me doing that.  But for those of you who enjoy the Black Friday experience, I hope you had fun and scored many bargains.

Today also brings closure to a painting we first saw about a month back, one that had an ulterior motive.  Not very sinister though, I merely wanted to use up some paint from my palette to clear out the well.  I liked the painting okay when I finished it, but as time went on, I didn't like how the trees looked like lollipops.  So today I thought it would be fun to haul out the pastels and embellish the work into a better place.  I'm not sure I got there, but it was fun trying.

As I was working, I thought... "wouldn't life be grand if there were some way to go back and make bits of your past life a little better?"  Not sweeping overhauls, mind you, just little flourishes.  And on the face of it, maybe that would be terrific.  But with so many choices, where would one begin?  So in the end I decided maybe it's best to leave sleeping dogs to lay.  Or lie.  While you ponder all that, please re-appreciate version 2.0 of this now multimedia painting.  I shifted the original in My Gallery so the two versions appear side by side, in case you like playing the "spot the differences" game. Enjoy!

Maples Lakeside 2.0

p.s. After a Mac OS upgrade, I was able to correct the image more accurately.  Colorwise, this onscreen version appears nearly identical to the actual painting in indirect daylight.

p.p.s. Amusing aside:  while packing up the pastels, I noticed that I used two pastel sticks from the "Special Colors" set, two from the "Portrait" set, four from the "Starter Colors" set and ZERO from the "Landscape Colors" set.  I'll mull over what I think that means... 

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