Saturday, December 29, 2012

Send in the Clown 2012-W52

Like many of you, I'm very unbusy...  defrazzling from the Christmas experience.  I had the good fortune to travel both ways with virtually no delays or airport headaches.  In between flights, I had a lovely visit with family I haven't seen for a year.  My, how time flies these days.  I hope you had a nice holiday too.

Most of my family somehow ended up in Texas, but we do maintain outposts in Chicago (yours truly) and Maine.  Like myself, the nephew in Maine misfortunately has his birthday in the cold miasma of the post-Christmas lull.  The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is not nearly as delightful as it were a week ago, all bedecked in garlands and with stockings awaiting to be filled by Santa.

Young people are poised to build up a head of enthusiasm for the revelry on New Year's Eve, while many of us watch for the imminent arrival of a dreadful Visa bill.  Egad!  It's no wonder that birthdays go off with more whimper than bang at this time of year.  Fortunately, Capricorns are dutiful and we soldier on nonetheless.

As he and his parents continue to wrestle with that wicked puzzle (as presented in the W37 and W44 posts), the boy will celebrate his birthday this weekend and so before Christmas I made and sent off this card in my efficient Capricornian way.  Avid readers might recognize the clown as a certain Uncle who blogs and thinks painterly thoughts...

I, Clownius

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