Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Greatest Gift? 2012-W50

Amidst the hustle-bustle of everything else going on during the holiday season, I elect to undergo my various annual medical assessments around now.  Don't ask why...  maybe a wiser person would think about shifting them to June.  But with the yearly physical now behind me, I can say with relief and pride that I am in excellent health all around.  My natural, unmedicated blood pressure is 110/80 and my vitals signs are superb for a man my age.  Or younger.

In my youth I might have joked, "I wish I could attribute it to good living".  However, since I turned Oprah30 = human50 a few years back, you can be sure I redoubled my efforts: start eating more healthfully and continue to not smoke or drink, get regular exercise and practice good sleep hygiene.  It appears all that good living on top of advantageous genes have given me the gift of being well.  Of well-being.  I can't think of any gift that could outdo that.

None of us know how long we have on this earth, but barring some misfortunate wrong place/wrong time scenario I hope to be around for many more years.  Good thing, because I feel I have many paintings yet to make.  Please enjoy today's effort from our last Salon of 2012.  The Painterly Thoughts blog will post as usual next Saturday on Christmas Eve-Eve-Eve assuming the world has not ended on the day before.


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