Saturday, January 19, 2013

Resolute 2013-W03

Among the horde of resolution makers in January am I.  With a twist though.  As a Capricorn I have a January birthday, so I wait for that to pass before I sharpen my pencil and make my list.  I aim for five maybe six resolutions, and in a year's time I'm satisfied if I did well with two and made a decent effort on a couple more.  Happily, 2012 was satisfactory.  Perhaps I should add a couple of art resolutions to the list for 2013?

I'll try to read Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking all the way through.  It's so pithy and inspiring that I keep getting lost in thought every other paragraph and stall out.  So I'll direct my left brain to ration the number of pages versus a number of Saturdays and thus conquer by division.

Next, let's re-up on last year's stated (& failed) goal of exploring non-representational art, and as a precursor to that I will do the next four propuestas in Acuarela Creativa... a nifty Spanish watercolor exploration book gifted to me by the other members of Salon deWinchester.  As the book is written in Spanish, it offers me more than just creative challenges.  ¡Muy bien!

Finally, I'm saying the motto for 2013 is Go Big or Go Home.  I have a number of barely begun projects substantially larger than my normal "big" of 9x12.  (Small) studies for several of them appear in My Gallery.  Foremost of these, a baby painting of one of my nephews.  I've done one of the younger nephew and started executing my plan for the older.  I better hurry and get it done before he's a teenager in 2014!

So, there they are.  We'll see in a year's time how I did and whether they were worthy aspirations.  Meanwhile, my resolution-year doesn't commence until Tuesday the 22nd so while I tinker with something in the studio, here is one of my sketches from the Fall Equinox party at Chicago's iconic Marina City.  I went back to my schoolboy doodling roots, drawing with a ball point pen, and I like the result...  hope you do too.

The Lonely Balcony

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