Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Vortex 2014-W02

What a week or so this has been.  I flew back from the east coast the afternoon of New Year's Eve and landed during the beginning of a snow storm that seemed to last continually until sunset on January 5th.  That day alone saw us get close to a foot of snow, followed by the plunging temperatures of the infamous Polar Vortex.

Our all time low in Chicago (not windchill but actual low temperature) is I think -25, which occurred on a Saturday night in January 1985 as I recall.  I was out and about in that, and probably not entirely sober.  So on Monday morning, I pulled on several layers of clothing and ventured out for a walk around the block in the sunny -16 air just to say I had been out in it.  It was beyond refreshing.  Needless to say, I completed said walk as efficiently and promptly as I ever have done, and once back inside I remained so for the next 48 hours.

Today is rainy and in the mid-30's.  While walking to the corner for some milk, I felt odd...  as if I were bundled up in June.  Such is the difference that 50 degrees makes.  I suppose now we are concerned about flash flooding and everything is soggy, but as I like to observe:  no one has to shovel rain!

As I said previously, I'm not fond of cats, domestic on up, but I do have a certain admiration for cheetahs and jaguars.   I meant to paint today's offering last month but I neglected to bring the reference photo to Salon (and besides there was a lot of gab that day) so I made a color study from my recollections and now today another, better sketch.  And now I can move on.

Cheetah Study II

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